at the Black Country Living Museum

Are you a fan of Peaky Blinders? We certainly are in this house! If you crave to immerse yourself in their murky underworld, don’t despair – we can help…
Only 45 minutes from The Nest is The Black Country Living Museum, which is where many, many scenes from all five seasons of the gangster drama were filmed. Spend a day there and stroll around the sets for the Shelby’s scrap metal yard, the Canal Street Bridge, the Schoolroom, Workers’ Institute office, back alleys of the back-to-back houses, Chainmaking & Blacksmith’s shops, the lifting bridge and limekilns.

The Museum even have dedicated Peaky Blinder nights on selected evenings in June and September – which is exactly where you’ll find us at that time of year!
So - want to stand where members of the cast stood? Then why not dig out your flat caps and flapper dresses, stay with us and visit The Black Country Living Museum while you’re here?